We were living in Hong Kong when our first baby was born; the exciting city that never sleeps. A steamy, tropical climate; a bustling, crowded metropolis. People, cars, trams, buses, skyscrapers; surrounded by constant sights, scents, and sounds. So much over stimulation for your average person, let alone for a tiny little person, brand new to the world.

My new baby son simply could not block out the hustle and bustle of the big city. Whoever coined the term “niplash” is certainly a Mum I can relate to!

Niplash: [noun]  When a breastfeeding baby suddenly and energetically jerks his or her head to look around, while still firmly attached to your nipple.


I needed a solution to feed my distracted baby on the go. I tried countless different feeding covers before settling for one that was nice, but with one major flaw - both my son and I would quickly become hot and sticky using the cover. 

The perfect one for me didn't exist, so I started researching fabrics that were breathable and comfortable.

It was important to me that I could see bub and he could see me; I didn’t want him to feel “covered up”. I wanted him to feel calm, relaxed, uninterrupted; to create a tranquil, intimate space for him to feed, sleep or simply take a break from our busy and overstimulating surroundings. A space for him to regroup and take back a moment where only he and I existed in his world.

A talented friend of mine helped to interpret my idea and drawings; constructing samples for me, patiently tweaking various elements and measurements until I had created a comfortable, breathable, and functional final design that I went on to use for the next 18 months of my son’s breastfeeding journey. Regularly asked where it was from, I was encouraged by other Mums to make it available to them; planting the seed for pursuit and my vision for the future, the bubbahood® was born.

What was created as a breastfeeding accessory, is so much more versatile than that. The bubbahood® offers an uninterrupted space for feeding, a calm place to sleep, and an extra layer of protection from the elements.


Settled back in Australia on the beautiful shores of the Sunshine Coast and weeks away from the arrival of our third bub, saw the pre-launch of essentially bub; home of the bubbahood®.

After many months in the making, I am so excited to share with you our small, but growing, collection of thoughtfully designed essentials for bub.

Thank you for joining us on this journey.